Our services.
Adoptions & Name Changes
Adoptions and name changes tend to go hand-in-hand. Adoption is the legal process of becoming a non-biological parent. Name change generally refers to the legal act by a person of adopting a new name different from their name at birth, marriage or adoption.
A conservatorship is the legal appointment of an individual to conserve, protect, and manage the finances and financial affairs of another incapacitated person, minor, or adult with limited capacity.
Our firm covers a large variety of contracts, such as leases (commercial and private), trust indentures, contract for deeds to real property, etc.
Property deeds are used to convey real property from a grantor (seller) to a grantee (buyer). Deeds are a service typically provided during the managing of an Estate, real estate, etc. A transfer on death deed, sometimes called a “beneficiary deed”, states who should receive a piece of real estate upon the death of the current owner.
An estate is an economic valuation of all the investments, assets and interests of an individual. It includes a person’s belongings, physical and intangible assets, land and real estate, investments, collectibles and furnishings. Estates are most relevant upon the death of an individual, and the appointment of a personal representative to manage the estate is essential.
A guardianship is a legal process used to protect individuals who are unable to care for themselves. due to infancy, incapacity, or disability. A court appoints a legal guardian to care for an individual or ward who is in need of special protection.
Power of Attorney
A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document you use to allow another person to act for you. A legal relationship is created in which the grantor, or principal, appoints another person, or agent, to act on their behalf. A power of attorney specifies the powers given to the agent and may be general or limited to a specific subject matter such as medical or for real estate purposes, etc.
Property Easements
An easement gives a person or organization a legal right to use someone else’s land—but only for a needed purpose. A utility company may have an easement on your property to access an electrical pole or if your driveway overlaps your property line, you might rely on an easement on your neighbor’s property to get to your garage.
A trust is another method of estate transfer or a fiduciary arrangement that allows a third party, or trustee, to hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries. Trusts can be arranged in many ways and can specify exactly how and when the assets pass to the beneficiaries.
A will is a legal document that clearly and precisely expresses a person's wishes as to how their property is to be distributed after their death and as to which person is to manage the property until its final distribution. Without a will, the state in which you reside will decide how to distribute your assets according to the law of that state and may not produce the results you would prefer.